한국언어행동분석교육원 KOREA VBA 교육원입니다.

Qualified Autism Services Practitioner – Supervisor (QASP-S®) Competency Standards


· A. Autism Spectrum Disorder Basics

1. DSM-IV and DSM-V (or current DSM) related to autism spectrum disorders

2. CDC risk factors and comorbidities related to autism spectrum disorders

3. Developmental milestones (e.g., typical and atypical, age appropriate)

4. Autism diagnostic process

· B. Legal, Ethical, and Professional Considerations

1. QABA Code of Ethics

2. HIPAA regulations (e.g., confidentiality including limitations, mandated reporting, reportable documents, duty to warn vs. duty to protect

3. Educational laws (e.g., IDEA, LRE, IEP, ADA, Rehabilitation Act, 504 Plan)

4. Positive behavior supports

5. Person-centered planning

6. Methods of collaboration (e.g., treatment adherence, referral methods)

· C. Core Principles of ABA

1. Four-term contingency

2. Respondent behavior vs. operant behavior

3. Stimulus (e.g., stimulus control, discriminative stimulus, stimulus delta, SD-p, generalization, discrimination, response)

4. Motivating operations including satiation and deprivation

5. Dead man’s test

6. Reinforcement and punishment (e.g., positive and negative)

7. Matching law (e.g., rate, magnitude)

8. Conditioned vs. unconditioned reinforcers/punishers

9. Basic schedules of reinforcement (e.g., fixed interval, fixed ratio, variable interval and variable ratio)

10. Risks to extinction procedures (e.g., extinction burst, spontaneous recovery and resurgence)

11. Basic verbal operants (e.g., mand, tact, echoic and intraverbal)

12. Scientific understanding: description, prediction, and control

13. Six attitudes of science

14. Seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis

· D. Antecedent Interventions

1. Antecedent strategies (e.g., priming, choices, behavior momentum, visual supports, Premack Principle, environmental modifications)

2. Non-contingent reinforcement procedures

3. Functional communication training

4. Effects of setting events

· E. Skill Acquisition Programming

1. Goal writing criteria (e.g., objective measurable mastery criteria, targets)

2. Social/cultural factors necessary for program success

3. Error correction methods

4. Prompts (e.g., hierarchy, procedures, fading, types, prompt dependency)

5. ABA instructional and educational methodologies

· F. Behavior Reduction Interventions

1. Components of behavior intervention plans

2. Components of token economies (e.g., backup reinforcers, generalized reinforcers, response-cost, ratio strain)

3. Time-out procedures

4. Differential reinforcement procedures

5. Behavior contrast

6. Functional assessments and functions of behaviors

7. Group contingencies

8. Components of contingency contracts

9. Ethical considerations related to behavior reduction interventions (e.g., extinction, time-out procedures, group contingencies, punishment procedures)

· G. Data Collection and Analysis

1. Types of measurement (e.g., frequency/rate, duration, force/magnitude, response latency, and inter-response time)

2. Types of ABA graphs

3. Data collection methods

4. Continuous vs. discontinuous measurement systems (e.g., partial interval recording, whole interval recording, momentary time sampling)

5. Types of IOA (e.g., total count IOA and trial by trial IOA)

6. Visual analysis (e.g., trend, level, and variability)

7. Characteristics of trustworthy measurements (e.g., reliability, accuracy, and validity)

· H. Assessment

1. Types of preference and reinforcement assessments (i.e., limitations and benefits, implementation)

2. Components of functional behavior assessment (e.g., including direct (descriptive) and indirect assessments and their advantages and limitations, definition and components of a FBA)

3. Behavior assessment scales (interviews and scales)

4. Conditional probability components

5. Environmental analysis components

6. Criteria for operational definitions

· I. Training and Supervision

1. Monitoring treatment and procedural integrity

2. Observer drift and reactivity

3. Inter-observer agreement validation methods

4. Training procedures and behavior skills training

5. Performance evaluation (e.g., feedback, documentation, continuous support)

6. Coordination of care (e.g., parent training, collaboration, liaison, communicate in laymen's terms)

7. Sociocultural values (considerations)

유한회사 카바에이비에이연구소  |  대표  LEEPARK HYESUK  |  사업자등록번호:  528-86-00837

서울 특별시 서초구 효령로 202, 202호(서초동)   |  전화번호:  010-6785-2766  ㅣ 이메일 :   

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유한회사 카바에이비에이연구소 | 대표  LEEPARK HYESUK | 

사업자등록번호:  528-86-00837

서울 특별시 서초구 효령로 202, 202호(서초동)   |  

전화번호:  010-6785-2766  ㅣ 이메일 :  

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